Saturday, February 5, 2011

Random flowing of words in the night

Mandee Rae  Just got a new follower, Mandee you are incredible. Now follow me to your undoing, no freedom, pain, passion, torment or broken pieces of humanity shall escape our grasp. The youth pounding through our veins like rough surf cutting against the rocks, no smooth river in the rain, but girls standing in fish nets and boys clad in dog collars and denim coats, taking the tour, wide eyed round the flesh of mud, of man in vulnerable sight, down side walks, in upstairs corner apartments with tortured yellow walls comes contact with an other soul and knowledge tongued deep into us by men walking in high-heels, women in soft pink and maiden flowers sit helplessly in lewd, forgetful ridiculousness. But our grasp is far reaching to an other time of smoke and freedom sug, smoke and freedom.  Mandee follow  me down to hell. I should not talk to unknown people this way, but I am bored and have been lacking in words all day.

Mandee Rae

Just got a new follower, Mandee you are incredible. Now follow me to your undoing, no freedom, pain, passion, torment or broken pieces of humanity shall escape our grasp. The youth pounding through our veins like rough surf cutting against the rocks, no smooth river in the rain, but girls standing in fish nets and boys clad in dog collars and denim coats, taking the tour, wide eyed round the flesh of mud, of man in vulnerable sight, down side walks, in upstairs corner apartments with tortured yellow walls comes contact with an other soul and knowledge tongued deep into us by men walking in high-heels, women in soft pink and maiden flowers sit helplessly in lewd, forgetful ridiculousness. But our grasp is far reaching to an other time of smoke and freedom sug, smoke and freedom. Mandee follow me down to hell.

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